Who: Audience: Literacy Coaches, and Curriculum Leaders
Grade level: K-12
What: Using the PLC model, the ESCWR Literacy Team will lead the Linked in Literacy cohort through meaningful opportunities for learning and growth. Our gatherings will include updates from the state, sharing of resources, and significant time for sharing with one another in the spirit of learning and improving! These will differ from our literacy network events because the group will be engaging in sustained and individualized discussions about needs in your schools. Participating schools will receive technical assistance and customized responses to some of their most pressing issues as we meet the demands of high-quality literacy instruction for all students. Our team includes expertise in early, emergent, conventional, and adolescent literacies. The fee structure is by district or school, encouraging a team approach!
9/11/2024 | 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
ESCWR- Auburn TLC room 100 and Virtual Events
In-person: 11/13/2024, 2/12/2025, 4/9/2025
Virtual meetings: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, 10/9/2024, 12/11/2024, 3/12/2025, May 14, 2025
Cost: $100 per school district team
Beth Walsh-Moorman
For questions, please contact Beth Walsh-Moorman at [email protected]