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Postsecondary Transition

What is Postsecondary Transition Planning?

Transition planning is a coordinated set of activities focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of a student with disabilities to promote the student's movement from school to life after high school. 

For students with an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), the student and their families work with their IEP team to create measurable postsecondary goals, a student’s vision for adult life. 

Just like annual IEP goals, postsecondary goals in a transition plan must be written with a result in mind or you have to be able to know if the goals have been met or accomplished.

The IEP team will carry out the plan so the student has opportunities to learn the skills they need to achieve their postsecondary goals. 

When Does Transition Planning Occur?

In Ohio, students with disabilities ages 14 or younger, if appropriate, formally enter into the secondary transition planning process. A truly successful transition process is the result of comprehensive planning that is driven by the student's preferences, interests, needs, and strengths. This comprehensive planning moves students forward successful future outcomes in competitive, integrated employment, education, and independent living.

ODE Secondary Transition and Workforce Development for Students with Disabilities

This website through the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce contains great resources and helpful links to program and initiatives to support postsecondary students and their families. 

The transition planning process occurs annually until the student exits school services.