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Home Schooling

Geauga County Home School Notification

Parents/Guardians interested in educating their child through homeschool, may do so by meeting the requirement of Ohio Law of homeschool. When homeschooling, you are able to select the curriculum and other educational materials that work best for your child. 

Geauga County Superintendents delegate all homeschool notifications to the Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve (ESCWR). This has been approved by the State Board of Education's legal department. In order for homeschoolers to be in compliance with the regulations, you must supply your information to the Superintendent of our local school district. All excusals (except Berkshire and Chardon Local Schools) in Geauga County are filtered through the ESCWR and will have your local Superintendents signature on your excusal. The state board of education's legal department determined that there is no issue with the schools contracting with the ESC to offer this service as long as the correct signature is included.

Ohio's homeschool regulations state that the superintendent shall supply an excusal or any request for more information in writing. (NEW ORC 3321.042) If the superintendent is doing the excusing or the requesting it follows that their signature will be affixed.

A parent who elects to provide home education shall supply [notification] to the superintendent/ESCWR no later than the August 30th of that school year or within one week of the date on which the child begins to reside in the district or within one week from the child’s withdrawal from a school. NEW ORC 3321.042 Ohio Exemption Notification Form

You can send or deliver your required documentation to: 

Geauga Homeschool

Name of Your Local Superintendent

Att: Pat Brockway

8221 Auburn Rd

Painesville, Ohio 44077

Required Documentation for Homeschool 

  1. Home Education Notification Form

Lake County Home School Registration

Parents/Guardians interested in educating their child through homeschool, may do so by meeting the requirement of Ohio Law of homeschool. When homeschooling, you are able to select the curriculum and other educational materials that work best for your child. 

Ohio's homeschool regulations state that the superintendent shall supply an excusal or any request for more information in writing. (NEW ORC 3321.042) If the superintendent is doing the excusing or the requesting it follows that their signature will be affixed.

A parent who elects to provide home education shall supply [notification] to the superintendent/ESCWR no later than the August 30th of that school year or within one week of the date on which the child begins to reside in the district or within one week from the child’s withdrawal from a school. NEW ORC 3321.042 Ohio Exemption Notification Form


Geauga County Homeschool Coordinator

Pat Brockway
Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve  
Truancy Officer/Geauga County Home School Coordinator
Office Located at:  
Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve
8221 Auburn Rd
Painesville, Ohio 44077
Phone Number: 440-350-2563 
Email Address: [email protected] 

Homeschooling Forms