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Vocational Education Programs

Vocational Education Programs

The ESC of the Western Reserve, Vocational Programs provides transition-to-work services for all students with disabilities. Through these program services, students will learn employability skills that are necessary for obtaining/securing competitive employment. These program services include;
An elective course that provides a community environment to explore career interests while learning/practicing soft skills with the support of a program teacher and job coaches.

          Program Outcomes & Benefits    
  1.  Accredited JTC program with highly qualified teachers (TTW endorsement) 

  2. Customized employment options for all students 

  3. Over 50 employer partnerships in Geauga County 

  4. Students work within the county they go to school and live in

  5. Minimal time on bus, more time spent working 

  6. Job Placement within their home community 

  7. Successful transition from high school to adult services with continued partnerships with Opportunities for Ohians with Disabilities (OOD) and Geauga County BDD (GCBDD)

  8. Ability to work with school district related service providers within employment settings near home school districts 

  9. Continued connections with districts for extra curricular activities (i.e. school athletics, dances, and school clubs)

  10. Train adult service job coaches to ensure student independence in the workplace 

  11. Teach and support families in the adult service process 

  • Work Study Course
  • Transition Student Consult-1:1 student support to reach post-secondary goals to include; job search, interview preparation, & employment placement
  • Career Assessment
  • Student Internships & Job Shadows 
  • District consultation in special education and transition 
  • Professional Development; IEP compliance, Transition 101, Backwards Planning 

Unique Like Me is a storefront vocational skills training site. The store is operated solely by the ESC staff and students. Unique Like ME features many products made by our vocational students. In addition, the students fully participate in the operation of the retail setting including greeting the customers, keeping the store clean, tracking the inventory, and running the cash register. 


The Job Training program offered through the ESCWR has truly filled a void in our district's programming.  This program has provided our students with authentic learning opportunities through which they can develop vocational skills in a supportive environment.  The Job Coaches work hard to ensure each student is provided with experiences that align with the student's preferences, interests, needs and strengths and are always willing to problem solve and adapt programming as needed.  The collaboration of this team with our school-based IEP teams has truly enhanced the educational experience of our students.  We couldn't be more proud of this partnership.

October 11, 2023
Jennifer Bencko Director of Pupil Services Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools

Vocational Education Staff

Contact Information

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Jaina Gandolfi
Director of Vocational Education

Participating Districts

Cardinal, Chagrin Falls, ChardonKenston & West Geauga. 

Program Class Locations

Cardinal, Gaitway High School, Kenston: Classroom location Metzenbaum Center